New album in 2025! This is the eighth year of my ORA HEAVY INDUSTRY project. Please take a listen and check out each track for a small text description which helps fill out the history and lore of ORA HEAVY INDUSTRY.
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I will be at PAX Prime at the end of August helping show people Nova-111 (which I am doing the sound for). We will have 2 booths! One at the Indie Mega Booth and one at the PAX 10 booth! Come to both and find me at one of them!
I wrote an article called: "The Sound of Robots Need Love Too" which is about my experience designing sound and music for the upcoming iOS title of the same name. The game will be out next month yaaaaay!
Making The Best Out Of Something Broken which is an article I wrote about my experiences earlier in the month dealing with a Zoom H1 recorder I accidentally washed.
Every Monday at 9pm EST I am a panelist on The Game Audio Hour. Which is a live video podcast where we talk about all things game audio related! We're also on iTunes so check us out there!
Reorganized my office. Still a mess.
I'm also doing music and sfx for Lemma. You can check out my music in the trailer below! We are currently in the process of replacing all these placeholder sfx with some phresh new audio.
I'm still working on Nova-111 so keep an eye out for wonderful and magical updates from me and the Funktronic Labs team!
So I also have a few things going on I can't gab about so expect me to shout about those later. That said: if you need some minty fresh audio give me a holler!
Hey everyone! Here are some cool things I did recently!
I did the SFX for a wonderful Vita game called "Gunhouse" which was designed by Brandon Sheffield, programmed by the guy who made Frog Fractions, music by Disasterpeace and some help from other great people too! It's out now!
I edited some VO and even designed the voices for the Elum and Slog creatures! Check for that to come out in early Spring!
I even did the sound for a storybook app in January called "Turtle Crossing". It was a successfully funded Kickstarter by a friend of mine. It should be out in Spring as well!
I also did the sound for another Kickstarter project back in December! It's called Pakka Pets and it was successfully funded on February 6! I did *most* of the SFX in the video below, of which I am especially proud of the pet voices!
I am also proud to be a part of a new video podcast called "Game Audio Hour!". We are already up to 4 episodes and going strong!
We have been chatting about all things game audio including: orchestration, gear setups, C.P.U. Bach, sample libraries, and we even mention Rez.
The chats are streamed live and there is also aversion saved for later. We're working on iTunes integration as well so please keep an eyeball out for that!
So that's what I have been up to recently! I also updated my About/Resume section with a cool PDF resume, so please check that out!
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you are already aware that I have worked on some cool projects that use the Leap Motion device.
For those of you who aren't aware; the Leap Motion is a motion tracking device for your your hands that sits in front of your computer monitor. It allows you to use both hands to control apps, games and even websites effortlessly and seamlessly. It is a cool little piece of tech that I am quite proud to be involved with. If you are interested in picking one up; Best Buy and have them available.
My Leap Motionz, let me show you them:
I did the sound way back for Kyoto which has been improved with Leap Motion compatibility! Kyoto was recently awarded "Best Art" at Sense of Wonder Night 2013!
I also did the audio for Orientation/Tutorial which comes with each and every Leap Motion device! Here is a video one user made of his experience:
I most recently worked on a game called "Telekinetic" which like Kyoto is free on the Airspace store!
Hopefully I will be able to have a "Part 2" in a few months showing off some more Leap Motion projects I am currently working on. Please stay tuned here or on Twitter for more about this cool device and my involvement with it!