Working in the game industry I have been fortunate to have been able to transition to a work from home setup during this current global health crisis. As a sound designer there are still some shortcomings in working from home. One of these is my home office in the house I rent is not exactly treated for sound.
So expecting the work from home situation to not change for a bit; I have assembled some sound panels for my home office. Given the circumstances of self isolation and the desire to reduce outside contact I have worked within some restrictions: I ordered glue and cloth (bolt cloth and tablecloths) from, acoustic insulation from a dedicated online seller, and the remaining wood is from a salvaged wood pallet and the hardware is stuff I have hoarded like a construction dragon. I could have made a trip or two to a local hardware store but I opted to work within a box, literally and figuratively.
Some caveats before we dig in:
-Yes there are better techniques and materials to make acoustic panels when time, money, amount of effort, and lack of global pandemics are not a factor.
-This setup worked for my situation, but I do understand not everyone has the appropriate tools, space, and funds to even set this up.
-The setup I have made is almost entirely reversible, and arranged to be as light as possible, so specialized mounting hardware is not necessary. The lack of a rigid wood frame helps with weight, and lack of materials. This will also make the panels much easier to move, as I currently rent. The way this is set up I can remove the wood mount and slot into a frame at a later time.