Few things I have been up to:
I've been working on quite a few things here and there. Let's to a wrap-up of some of them:
I did some SFX for Ravensword: Shadowlands which has been all over the iOS Store front page.
Gear Jack
I also did a few SFX for Gear Jack, also on iOS.
I have also been doing a bunch of sounds for Final Rush which is currently on Steam Greenlight (go vote por favor!). Reloads, robot voices, and servos are some of the sounds of mine you can hear in the video:
I've also been busy field recording and reading Paul Virostek's Field Recording: from Research to Wrap. I've popped a few sounds up on Freesound:
Beating up a metal pasta maker
Contributing to DesigningSound.org has been a blast so far. We have recently switched to a monthly topic format and have gotten great responses.
I have also been poking at an Arduino Uno which has been very exciting. I only need a bit more experience with it and I will create 8 robot masters.
I've got some more stuff in the pot cooking, but Ill save those for another infrequent update. See you at GDC!