I made a DIY isobox for my work pc
Heres a video I put together showing off my DIY isobox.
-This is version3. I plan on keep iterating as my needs become clearer
-My preference would actually be to have my entire PC in a different room and route cabling/IO into my office. However my home is small and I dont actually have any other place to put the machine!
-This is all very quick and easy to do. Fans, fan controller, duct tape, and a razor knife is all you need for the box (as well as the cooler itself). And the vent hose needs are still just a razor knife, hose, and duct tape.
-I’d love more “permanent” fixtures instead of ducttape but these don’t seem to really exist in the places im looking at. Duct tape in some ways is preferred because affixing a fan to a surface with the tape does not transfer as much vibrations as screws or other options may.